jueves, 23 de junio de 2016

The benefits of nature

  The benefits of nature

The man needs to feel close to nature, this is normal because evolutionarily speaking, actually does very little while some urban cultures "out" of it. Not only do we need as members of the ecosystem that are still to be alive, but we have, even spiritual, to have direct contact with it, with our senses, and recreate in her physical and psychological need. We need to see the sun, feel the air and the passing of the seasons, feeling the scents and colors offered to us and interact with the environment and with other beings. Some people seek this contact through hiking, climbing, cycling or any other outdoor sport; many also come with the illusion that the field regale them some of their wild berries, mushrooms etc .. others need to deepen their knowledge and approach a more naturalistic way to observe and understand. The result of this need proliferate businesses and organizations that provide environmental education and training naturalist: animal record, naturawalks, etc ...


angunas of the things that nature provides us

angunas of the things that nature provides us

Nature is really admirable as it is not only incredibly beautiful and diverse, but also never fails to impress. Colors , flavors , textures , aromas and sounds not found on any other planet in our solar system. We are fortunate and we must seize every opportunity that life gives us to approach it and enjoy it.  
The resources provided by nature and that man can use to their advantage, constitute the basic material of economic and social development, many of which are essential for human survival . we humans we benefit daily nature , it extract all resources that helps us to live . But we are not tolerant of it because instead of taking care of what we do is damage what she has built with love .vida

I love nature

Nature is important because it determines our future. in a way, as Darwin says: adaptation is evelucion and for this to happen must happen before a change in the environment.
We are part of nature , the fact of living and breathing is the result of nature , nature is important for the world , since it determines what comes.